Update Log

This page is intended to be a chronological overview and quick reference for updated forms, guidance documents, policies, and memorandums. Links to the most current versions of documents and/or webpages are provided for your convenience.

Commonly used acronyms:
AAA = Arizona Antiquities Act
ASM = Arizona State Museum
FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions
MP = Mandated Programs

In the lead-up to ASM's upcoming holiday closures, the Archaeological Records Office (ARO) will be offering a limited number of in-office appointment drop-in hours for conducting research in the ARO. AAA permit holders are welcome to come to the ARO on the following dates without the need to book an appointment ahead of time:

  • Monday, 18 November 2024, from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
  • Friday, 6 December 2024, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
  • Wednesday, 11 December 2024, from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Upon arrival, visitors will be asked to sign in and provide their institution's name and the internal project number(s) for their research area(s). Access to the ARO's documents will be on a first come, first served basis.

During these drop-in hours, visitors will be able to consult the ARO's annotated USGS 7.5' quad maps, ASM site cards, reports, and Project Registration Forms (PRFs). Please note that spreadsheets exported from the ARO's database will not be available. If you would like lists of projects by Township, Range, and Section (TRS list spreadsheets) and/or by ASM site number (site history spreadsheets), you should request those during a virtual ARO appointment.

Please send any questions to the ASM CRM centralized email address (asm_crm@email.arizona.edu) with the subject line "ARO Appointment."

The following information was emailed to all AAA Permit holders on May 8, 2024.

Arizona State Museum (ASM) Mandated Programs is transitioning to a new, more streamlined, financial software system in June 2024. In order to fully change over to the new system, the current system will go offline from 5:00 pm on Friday, June 7 through Friday, June 14, 2024. During this period, ASM personnel will be unable to receive requests for quotes, issue quotes or invoices, or receive credit card payments. We understand that a week-long disruption is inconvenient, and we will do everything we can to limit the time the system is unavailable. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we make this change. Information about the new system will be available as soon as it comes online.

Updates to Forms
The Repatriation Office added this new Repatriation Document (6 May 2024)

The following information was emailed to all AAA Permit holders on October 25, 2023.

ASM recently made updates to the quote request website and changed several forms. See below for additional information.

ASM Request Quote for Services Website

  1. 11-15 business day expedited service for Arizona Antiquities Act (AAA) Blanket Permits and Burials Discovery Agreements are available. See the Mandated Programs Rate and Fee Schedule for more information.

Updates to Forms

  1. All Mandated Program Offices:
    1. Mandated Programs Rate and Fee Schedule has been updated to include 11-15 business day expedited service for Arizona Antiquities Act (AAA) Blanket Permits, AAA Project-Specific Permits using a General Workplan, and Burial Discovery Agreements.
    2. The Digital Image Data Sheet (DIDS) has been updated.
  2. Archaeological Records Office (ARO)
    1. Document Request Instructions
    2. Document Request Form
    3. Guidelines for Conducting Research in the Archaeological Records Office
    4. Records Research Request for Archaeologists Instructions
    5. Records Research Request for Archaeologists Form
  3. Archaeological Repository (REPO)
    1. Analyzed Sample Inventory Form (new)
    2. Archive Inventory Form (new)
    3. Archaeological Repository Project Submission Delivery Review
  4. Arizona Antiquities Act Permits Office (PO)
    1. AAA Blanket Permit Application
    2. AAA Permit General Workplan Addendum
    3. AAA Permit Update Request
    4. AAA Project-Specific Permit Application
    5. AAA Project-Specific Permit TRS Addendum (new)
    6. Notification of Intent to Conduct Non-Collection Survey
    7. Notification of Intent to Conduct Non-Collection TRS Addendum
    8. Summary Report of Negative Archaeological Monitoring Projects Conducted Under an Arizona Antiquities Act Permit
  5. Repatriation Office (RO)
    1. Burial Discovery Agreement Instructions
    2. Burial Discovery Agreement Application
    3. General Work Plan  Addendum
    4. Private Land Addendum

Announcements and Reminders

  1. The ASM Archaeological Repository has issued interim guidance in Archaeological Repository Interim Guidance Regarding Project Submission Standards. This document updates and clarifies some requirements for the preparation of project submissions to the Repository and is intended to reflect ASM’s current practice and make accommodations for technological advancements in the field. If a collection has already been prepared to the standard described in the current Repository Manual, that work does not need to be redone. Otherwise, changes identified in this document should be adopted immediately.
  2. The ASM Archaeological Repository has also issued a revised inventory database, to reflect the changes and updates described in Archaeological Repository Interim Guidance Regarding Project Submission Standards.
  3. Submission Procedures and Checklists for Cultural Resources Management Services Requested from the Arizona Antiquities Act Permits Office, Archaeological Records Office, Archaeological Repository, and Repatriation Office at the Arizona State Museum has been updated.
  4. Please note that City of Phoenix, City of Tempe, and Pima County General Burial Discovery Agreements are temporarily unavailable. Use Standard or Project-Specific Burial Discovery Agreements for projects in these areas, as appropriate.


ASM’s Permits Office has published a form that may be used in lieu of a research report for monitoring projects conducted under an AAA permit where no archaeological materials of any kind were identified: Summary Report of Negative Archaeological Monitoring Project Conducted Under an Arizona Antiquities Act Permit. The form is effective immediately.


The ASM Request Quote for Services website has changed. The new URL is: https://asmquoterequest.oasis-prod.arizona.edu/ASM/quoterequest/

The old website will redirect for a little while, but please update your bookmarks and share throughout your organization. The old website will become inactive in January 2023.

We are in the process of updating our forms and other guidance with the new web address. Revised forms will be uploaded as they are completed.

06/06/2022:  The Archaeological Records Office (ARO) has completed a large review and fix to ASM sites on the MARANA quad map (AZ AA:12:NW). Within the research area, many sites had overlapping boundaries or were within 100 meters of each other. In total, 104 ASM sites were consolidated into 15 ASM sites as listed below.

The following sites were consolidated under AZ AA:12:118(ASM):
AZ AA:12:118(ASM)
AZ AA:12:164(ASM)
AZ AA:12:334(ASM)
AZ AA:12:337(ASM)
AZ AA:12:338(ASM)
AZ AA:12:339(ASM)
AZ AA:12:340(ASM)
AZ AA:12:341(ASM)
AZ AA:12:342(ASM)
AZ AA:12:343(ASM)
AZ AA:12:344(ASM)
AZ AA:12:345(ASM)
AZ AA:12:346(ASM)
AZ AA:12:724(ASM)

The following sites were consolidated under AZ AA:12:123(ASM):
AZ AA:12:123(ASM)
AZ AA:12:572(ASM)
AZ AA:12:583(ASM)
AZ AA:12:588(ASM)
AZ AA:12:591(ASM)

The following sites were consolidated under AZ AA:12:209(ASM):
AZ AA:12:208(ASM)
AZ AA:12:209(ASM)

The following sites were consolidated under AZ AA:12:251(ASM):
AZ AA:12:251(ASM)
AZ AA:12:630(ASM)
AZ AA:12:632(ASM)

The following sites were consolidated under AZ AA:12:325(ASM):
AZ AA:12:325(ASM)
AZ AA:12:326(ASM)
AZ AA:12:329(ASM)
AZ AA:12:330(ASM)
AZ AA:12:331(ASM)
AZ AA:12:332(ASM)
AZ AA:12:454(ASM)
AZ AA:12:1052(ASM)
AZ AA:12:1053(ASM)
AZ AA:12:1061(ASM)
AZ AA:12:1094(ASM)

The following sites were consolidated under AZ AA:12:358(ASM):
AZ AA:12:358(ASM)
AZ AA:12:466(ASM)
AZ AA:12:536(ASM)
AZ AA:12:537(ASM)
AZ AA:12:538(ASM)
AZ AA:12:544(ASM)
AZ AA:12:545(ASM)
AZ AA:12:550(ASM)
AZ AA:12:559(ASM)
AZ AA:12:561(ASM)

The following sites were consolidated under AZ AA:12:368(ASM):
AZ AA:12:355(ASM)
AZ AA:12:368(ASM)
AZ AA:12:462(ASM)
AZ AA:12:463(ASM)
AZ AA:12:464(ASM)

The following sites were consolidated under AZ AA:12:470(ASM):
AZ AA:12:470(ASM)
AZ AA:12:521(ASM)
AZ AA:12:541(ASM)
AZ AA:12:547(ASM)

The following sites were consolidated under AZ AA:12:518(ASM):
AZ AA:12:512(ASM)
AZ AA:12:518(ASM)
AZ AA:12:1095(ASM)

The following sites were consolidated under AZ AA:12:365(ASM):
AZ AA:12:109(ASM)
AZ AA:12:359(ASM)
AZ AA:12:360(ASM)
AZ AA:12:361(ASM)
AZ AA:12:362(ASM)
AZ AA:12:363(ASM)
AZ AA:12:364(ASM)
AZ AA:12:365(ASM)
AZ AA:12:366(ASM)
AZ AA:12:367(ASM)
AZ AA:12:460(ASM)
AZ AA:12:461(ASM)
AZ AA:12:471(ASM)
AZ AA:12:551(ASM)
AZ AA:12:557(ASM)
AZ AA:12:558(ASM)
AZ AA:12:560(ASM)
AZ AA:12:562(ASM)
AZ AA:12:563(ASM)
AZ AA:12:564(ASM)
AZ AA:12:569(ASM)
AZ AA:12:574(ASM)
AZ AA:12:575(ASM)
AZ AA:12:576(ASM)
AZ AA:12:577(ASM)
AZ AA:12:578(ASM)
AZ AA:12:579(ASM)
AZ AA:12:585(ASM)
AZ AA:12:589(ASM)
AZ AA:12:590(ASM)
AZ AA:12:601(ASM)
AZ AA:12:602(ASM)
AZ AA:12:626(ASM)
AZ AA:12:629(ASM)

The following sites were consolidated under AZ AA:12:646(ASM):
AZ AA:12:646(ASM)
AZ AA:12:668(ASM)
AZ AA:12:669(ASM)
AZ AA:12:687(ASM)

The following sites were consolidated under AZ AA:12:661(ASM):
AZ AA:12:661(ASM)
AZ AA:12:662(ASM)

The following sites were consolidated under AZ AA:12:455(ASM):
AZ AA:12:455(ASM)
AZ AA:12:663(ASM)

The following sites were consolidated under AZ AA:12:733(ASM):
AZ AA:12:731(ASM)
AZ AA:12:733(ASM)
AZ AA:12:1056(ASM)

The following sites were consolidated under AZ AA:12:1133(ASM):
AZ AA:12:1069(ASM)
AZ AA:12:1133(ASM)

4/12/2022:  Request an ASM Accession Number form 1 and form 2 were updated and added to the Forms and Guidance section. New “Notes” were added with guidance regarding Accession Numbers for Burial Discovery Agreements on private land only (c.) and guidance when registering projects under a Records Curation Agreement (d.).


The following information was emailed to all AAA Permit holders on March 28, 2022:

ASM recently made updates to the quote request website, revised two policies, and changed several forms. See below for additional information.

ASM Request Quote for Services Website

  1. All service requests for Project Registrations and Arizona Antiquities Act (AAA) Permits are embedded within the “Project Registration” service tab. AAA Permits are no longer requested separately and are now incorporated into the “Project Registration” decision tree.
  2. Expedited Principal Investigator (PI) and Project Director (PD) reviews are available. See the Mandated Programs Rate and Fee Schedule for more information.

Policy Revisions

  1. The Policy and Procedures Regarding Digital Images of Work Conducted Under an Arizona Antiquities Act Permit have been updated. See the updated documentation the ASM website.
  2. The definition of "material difference" has been clarified: a material difference is defined as a +/- 10% (or more) difference in the count of half-boxes of artifacts, individually cataloged artifacts, digital images, linear inches of documentation, ASM Site Cards, or ASM Site Card Updates.

Updates to Forms

  1. All Mandated Program Offices:
    1. Mandated Programs Rate and Fee Schedule has been updated to include expedited PD/PI reviews.
    2. The Project Submission Update form has been updated to include linear inches for Reports of Remains.
  2. Archaeological Records Office (ARO)
    1. The Records Management Repository Agreement (RMRA) has been replaced with a Records Curation Agreement for large-scale and/or long-term non-collection surveys conducted on state land underan arizona antiquities act project-specific permit  and RECORDS curation AGREEMENT for archaeological investigations conducted on Federal, Tribal, and Private lands specific to two types of projects:
  3. Records Curation Agreement for Archaeological Investigations Conducted on Federal, Tribal, and Private Lands (RCA)
  4. Records Curation Agreement for Large-Scale and/or Long-Term Non-Collection Surveys Conducted on State Land Under an AAA Project-Specific Permit (RCA-PS)

During the Project Registration process, please download the appropriate RCA, complete project information, sign the agreement, and submit a copy along with the Request an ASM Accession Number form. See Submission Procedures and Checklists guide, Requesting a Records Curation Agreement section, for details.

    1. The Guidelines for Conducting Research in the Archaeological Records Office have been updated to reflect the following changes:
      1. The size limit for virtual appointment research areas has increased to four USGS 7.5’ quad maps and 40 sections. There is still no size limit for in-office appointment research areas.
      2. The instructions for in-office appointment requests have been revised to match the slots available for in-office appointments.
      3. There are new FAQs about: how many people can attend an appointment; the minimum notice period required to schedule an appointment; cancelling an appointment; changing from one appointment type to another; formatting the lists of quad maps and TRSs for a virtual appointment request; and reading ASM site numbers on ARO quad maps.

Announcements and Reminders

  1. The City of Tempe General Burial Discovery Agreement is on hold until further notice.
    1. The following documents available under the Application Materials tab for the Repatriation Office have been updated to reflect the temporary pause on City of Tempe General Burial Discovery Agreement:
      1. Burial Discovery Agreement Application Instructions
      2. Burial Discovery Agreement Application
      3. Burial Discovery Agreement General Workplan Addendum
      4. Private Land Addendum 
  2. The ASM Accession Number issuance documents sent out by ASM will now include information about the project registration, for reference.
  3. A fully revised Mandated Programs Project Submission Procedures and Checklists guide is undergoing review and will be issued soon.

2/28/2022: Memorandum: AAA Permit Required for Site Visits was added to the Forms and Guidance section under Policies and Memorandums.
2/7/22: The Bulk Material Box Inventory Form (formerly Bulk Material Inventory Form) was updated and added to the Forms and Guidance section.
2/7/22: The Catalog Specimen Box Inventory Form (formerly Catalog Specimen Inventory Form) was updated and added to the Forms and Guidance section.


10/21/21: The Archaeological Records Office (ARO) has completed a large review of the ASM sites on the Gadsden quad map (AZ X:5:SE and AZ X:9:NE).

In 2011, USGS split the Gadsden quad into two quads: Gadsden and Gadsden OE S, but an ARO review of the site numbers resulting from the split was never completed.

As of today, ASM sites in the north half of the old Gadsden quad are now considered part of AZ X:5:SE Gadsden, and ASM sites in the south part of the old Gadsden quad are now AZ X:9:NE Gadsden OE S. As a result, some of the site numbers have changed. The ARO has reviewed and updated ASM site cards for the following list of ASM site numbers. The updated site cards and GIS data have been provided to AZSITE. Please contact the ARO with any questions.

AZ X:5:1(ASM)
AZ X:5:2(ASM)
AZ X:5:3(ASM)
AZ X:5:4(ASM)
AZ X:5:5(ASM)
AZ X:5:6(ASM)
AZ X:5:7(ASM)
AZ X:5:8(ASM)
AZ X:5:9(ASM)
AZ X:5:10(ASM)
AZ X:5:11(ASM)
AZ X:5:12(ASM)
AZ X:5:13(ASM)
AZ X:5:14(ASM)
AZ X:5:15(ASM)
AZ X:5:16(ASM)
AZ X:5:17(ASM)
AZ X:5:18(ASM)
AZ X:5:19(ASM)
AZ X:5:20(ASM)
AZ X:5:21(ASM)
AZ X:5:22(ASM)
AZ X:5:23(ASM)
AZ X:5:24(ASM)
AZ X:5:25(ASM)
AZ X:5:26(ASM)
AZ X:5:27(ASM)
AZ X:9:1(ASM)
AZ X:9:2(ASM)
AZ X:9:3(ASM)
AZ X:9:4(ASM)
AZ X:9:5(ASM)
AZ X:9:6(ASM)
AZ X:9:7(ASM)
AZ X:9:8(ASM)
AZ X:9:9(ASM)
AZ X:9:10(ASM)
AZ X:9:11(ASM)
AZ X:9:12(ASM)
AZ X:9:13(ASM)
AZ X:6:15(ASM)
AZ X:6:39(ASM)
AZ X:6:43(ASM)
AZ X:6:63(ASM)
AZ X:6:65(ASM)

9/20/21: From August to September 2021, the Archaeological Records Office (ARO) reviewed a cluster of sites on the USGS 7.5’ quad map of Florence (AZ U:15:SW) for possible consolidation.

  • Within the area that was reviewed:
    • 78 site numbers were consolidated under AZ U:15:3(ASM),
    • 6 site numbers were consolidated under AZ U:15:474(ASM),
    • 6 site numbers retained their original ASM site numbers, and
    • 2 site numbers were found to be historic waste piles, which are no longer considered ASM sites.
  • Site Consolidation #1: AZ U:15:3(ASM)
    • The 78 site numbers listed below have been consolidated under AZ U:15:3(ASM) because their boundaries were found to be located within 100m of each other. In many cases, their boundaries were overlapping. When discussing portions of the now-consolidated site AZ U:15:3(ASM), the pre-consolidation site numbers may be used as loci, as long as they are formatted as "AZ U:15:3(ASM) Locus..." For example, the areas of AZ U:15:3(ASM) that were previously recorded as AZ U:15:6(ASM) and AZ U:15:22(ASM) could now be referred to as AZ U:15:3(ASM) Locus 6 and AZ U:15:3(ASM) Locus 22, respectively. In the consolidated site card for AZ U:15:3(ASM), the following maps may be helpful for delineating meaningful locus numbers:
      • the map that appears on page 10 ("Sites reviewed for possible consolidation," prepared by Emily Fioccoprile, Arizona State Museum, 3 September 2021); and
      • the maps that appear in the original site cards and site card updates for each pre-consolidation site number.
    • Loci may also be based on pre-consolidation site names, which can be found in the original site cards and site card updates for each pre-consolidation site number.
    • The following site numbers are now consolidated under AZ U:15:3(ASM):
      • AZ U:15:3(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:6(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:20(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:21(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:22(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:23(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:24(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:25(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:26(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:27(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:28(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:29(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:30(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:31(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:32(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:52(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:53(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:126(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:146(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:147(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:237(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:240(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:241(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:254(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:255(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:256(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:257(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:258(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:259(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:260(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:261(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:262(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:263(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:264(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:265(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:266(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:267(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:268(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:269(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:270(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:271(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:272(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:273(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:274(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:275(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:276(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:277(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:278(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:279(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:280(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:281(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:282(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:283(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:284(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:285(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:286(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:287(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:288(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:289(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:292(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:293(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:294(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:295(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:296(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:297(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:298(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:299(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:302(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:303(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:366(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:460(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:462(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:465(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:472(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:473(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:513(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:908(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:909(ASM)
  • Site Consolidation #2: AZ U:15:474(ASM)
    • The following site numbers have been consolidated under AZ U:15:474(ASM) because their boundaries were found to be located within 100m of each other and more than 100m away from AZ U:15:3(ASM):
      • AZ U:15:396(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:397(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:398(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:399(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:400(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:474 (ASM)
    • If the boundary of AZ U:15:474(ASM) is extended to the east in the future, then it should be reviewed again for possible consolidation under AZ U:15:3(ASM).
  • Sites that Retain Original Site Numbers
    • The following site numbers were found to be located more than 100m away from any other sites:
      • AZ U:15:290(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:291(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:300(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:301(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:367(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:461(ASM)
    • If the boundaries of these sites are extended towards AZ U:15:3(ASM) in the future, then they should be reviewed again for possible consolidation under AZ U:15:3(ASM).
  • Historic Waste Piles
    • As per the ASM's (2021) Policy and Procedures Regarding Historical-Period Waste Piles, the following site numbers—which have previously been used to record historic waste piles—are now considered isolated occurrences (IOs) and should not be updated:
      • AZ U:15:463(ASM)
      • AZ U:15:515 (ASM)
    • If archaeological sites (i.e. not historic IOs) are recorded in these locations in the future, then they should be considered updates to AZ U:15:3(ASM).
  • Contact ARO personnel with questions pertaining to these site numbers.

July 1, 2021 ASM Mandated Programs Announcements, Reminders, and Updates

Announcements and Reminders

  1. Effective July 1, 2021, the expedited time frames for Arizona Antiquities Act Project-specific Permits with Project-specific Treatment Plans have been adjusted from 5 and 6-10 business days, to 6-10 and 11-15 business days. Please see the Rate and Fee schedule for more information.
  2. The Archaeological Records Office is taking in-office and virtual appointments. See ARO Research Appointments Guidelines for more information. 
  3. The Permits Office Manager and Arizona Antiquities Act Administrator, formerly Shannon Twilling, is now Shannon Plummer and her email address has changed to splummer@arizona.edu
  4. ASM will now accept electronic submissions of AAA permit applications and Treatment Plans. However, the original, signed application and a hard copy of the final, ASM-approved Treatment Plan (as appropriate) must be mailed within 30 days of permit issuance. Failure to do so will result in permit revocation. Please remember that the “start” date of reviews still does not begin until both the application materials and invoice payment (if applicable) are received.
  5. ASM will now accept electronic submissions of Burial Discovery Agreement applications and Treatment Plans. However, the original, signed application and a hard copy of the final, ASM-approved Treatment Plan (as appropriate) must be mailed within 30 days of agreement issuance. Please remember that the “start” date of reviews still does not begin until both the application/agreement materials and invoice payment (if applicable) are received.
  6. ASM still requires hard copies of draft final reports for review, unless submitted as part of a concurrent agency review, for which electronic submissions are accepted.
  7. The following documents and webpage components have been updated:
    1. Minimum Requirements and Checklist for Reports, Treatment Plans, and Maps Submitted to the Arizona State Museum (ASM) for Work Conducted Under an Arizona Antiquities Act (AAA) Permit 
    2. Submission Procedures and Checklists for Cultural Resources Management Services Requested from the Arizona Antiquities Act Permits Office, Archaeological Records Office, Archaeological Repository, and Repatriation Office at the Arizona State Museum 
      1.  This document will be updated further in January 2022.
  8. Please remember that our Policy and Procedures Regarding Large-scale Non-collection Surveys and Long-term Non-collection Surveys will go into effect on 1 January 2022.
  9. Information included in the Frequently Asked Questions section of the ASM website has been generally updated.
  10. All emails pertaining to active Burial Discovery Agreements and inadvertent disturbances of human remains should now be directed to asm-repatriation@arizona.edu. General questions or communication for Repatriation Office staff can be directed to Cristin Lucas (lucasc@ariona.zedu; 520-626-0320) or Karen Hayes (hayesk@arizona.edu; 520-626-2950).


The following forms were updated and posted on the ASM website:

  1. All offices
    1. Project Submission Update Form
    2. Rate and Fee Schedule
  2. Archaeological Records Office
    1. ASM Quad Map Numbers List (new)
    2. Cultural Resources Summary Letter for Non-archaeologists Request Form
    3. Records Research for Archaeologists Form
    4. Records Research for Archaeologists Instructions
    5. Request an ASM Site Number Instructions
    6. Request an ASM Site Number Form
  3. Permits Office
    1. AAA Blanket Permit Application
    2. AAA Project-specific Permit Application
    3. AAA Permit Update Request Form
    4. General Work Plan Addendum Form
    5. Archaeological Principal Investigator Qualifications Application
    6. Archaeological Principal Investigator Qualifications Policy 
    7. Archaeological Project Director Qualifications Application
    8. Archaeological Project Director Qualifications Policy
    9. Paleontological Principal Investigator Qualifications Application
    10. Paleontological Principal Investigator Qualifications Policy
    11. Paleontological Project Director Qualifications Application
    12. Paleontological Project Director Qualifications Policy
  4. Repository
    1. Certificate of Collections Review Compliance (formerly Certificate of Repatriation Compliance)
    2. Archaeological Repository Project Submission Review: Phases 1 and 2
    3. Archaeological Repository Project Submission Delivery Review
    4. Request for Repository Services Agreement
  5. Repatriation Office
    1. Year-end Summary Report Instructions
    2. Year-end Summary Report Form
    3. Procedures for Reporting an Inadvertent Disturbance of Human Remains on Private Land
    4. Burial Discovery Agreement Instructions
    5. Burial Discovery Agreement Application
    6. General Work Plan Addendum
    7. Private Land Addendum
    8. Project Submission Update: Burial Agreement Form is replaced by Project Submission Update Form
    9. Report of Remains Submissions Checklist

5/28/21:  Effective 1 June 2021, in-office records research restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic have been lifted; however, we still ask that you wear a mask for in-office appointments, regardless of vaccination status. Visitors to the ASM Archaeological Records Office (ARO) will now have two options for conducting their own research: (1) virtual appointments and (2) in-office appointments. Please see revised Guidelines for Conducting Research in the ARO for additional details about these two types of appointments. Please contact the ARO (by email: asm_crm@arizona.edu, subject heading “ARO Appointment”; by phone: 520-621-4011) to schedule an appointment or if you have any questions.

2/22/21: Notification of Intent Addendum added to Forms and Guidance section.

2/17/21: Historical Period Waste Pile Policy added to Policies and Memorandums section.

2/17/21: Draft Para-archaeologist Policy added to Policies and Memorandums section (draft only, tribal consultation pending).

2/17/21: Large-scale/Long-term Non-collections Surveys Policy added to Policies and Memorandums section (not in effect until 1 Jan 2022).

2/15/21:  ASM site number AZ U:6:62(ASM) has been consolidated into AZ U:6:40(ASM). Contact ARO personnel with questions pertaining to this consolidation.

2/1/21: Uploaded ASM Workshop Series: Burial Discovery Agreements (BDAs): an instructional video.

1/28/21: added Notification of Disturbance of Human Remains form to the Forms and Guidance section under Repatriation Office.


1/27/21: The following ASM site numbers have been consolidated under AZ U:15:124(ASM):

  • AZ U:15:88(ASM), Florence Water Treatment Site
  • AZ U:15:120(ASM), Florence Ruin
  • AZ U:15:124(ASM), Saturday Site/Florence Ruin/Florence Pueblo
  • AZ U:15:153(ASM), Saturday Site [consolidated in 1997; decision reviewed and upheld]
  • AZ U:15:253(ASM)
  • AZ U:15:663(ASM)
  • AZ U:15:664(ASM)
  • The site name for AZ U:15:124(ASM) is now:  Saturday Site/Florence Ruin
  • The other site names listed above may be treated as geographic loci, chronological phases, and/or cultural components of AZ U:15:124(ASM), and may be used to aid descriptions of the site.
  • Contact ARO personnel with questions pertaining to this consolidation.


1/21/21: added Paleontological Principal Investigator Qualifications  (form and policy) and Paleontological Project Director Qualifications (form and policy) to the Forms and Guidance section under Permits Office.

1/5/21: Due to the severity of COVID-19 infection rates in Arizona, the ASM Archaeological Records Office is implementing contactless virtual records research appointments to replace in-office visits, effective 12 January 2021. Please consult Contactless Research at the ARO for details on how to make an appointment and the procedures and deliverables involved. This service is available to all Arizona Antiquities Act permit holders and non-AAA permit holders with an approved ARO Records Use Agreement on file. Contact the Archaeological Records Office (asm_crm@arizona.edu; subject heading: ARO Appointment) if you have any questions.


Hello AAA Permit Holders,

As the year is quickly wrapping up, Arizona State Museum (ASM) has a few important items for you to be aware of pertaining to end-of-year reporting and things to expect in the coming year:

  1. The Archaeological Records Office (ARO) will not require a signed ARO Records Use Agreement for institutions holding an Arizona Antiquities Act (AAA) Permit in order to gain access to archaeological records available through the ARO.

Archaeological records are sensitive and must be protected (see A.R.S. §39-125), and ASM only requires the ARO Records Use Agreement form for non-AAA Permit holders.

Forms and guidance documents pertaining to this change will be revised and posted to the ASM website. If you have any questions regarding access to the ARO or this topic, please contact us at asm_crm@arizona.edu (subject heading: ARO Use Agreement)

  1. The ARO is in the process of compiling lists of outstanding sites and projects associated with non-collection survey projects. These lists will be issued to our clients sometime in the early months of 2021.
  2. AAA Blanket Permit End-of-Year Summary Reports are due by 31 March 2021. The template for this document can be found here
  3. AAA Project-specific Permit and Burial Discovery Agreement End-of-Year Summary Reports are due by 31 January 2021. This is the first year this document will be required(form and instructions). Additional information and the report template can be found here.

As always, feel free to email asm_crm@arizona.edu with any questions. We wish you all a happy and safe holiday season!

Thank you,

Shannon Twilling



The following ASM site numbers have been consolidated under AZ T:12:1(ASM):

AZ T:12:1(ASM), La Ciudad
AZ T:12:48(ASM)
AZ T:12:50(ASM), Los Solares 

  • The site name for AZ T:12:1(ASM) is now the La Ciudad/Los Solares Site. The site names or numbers listed above may be treated as geographic loci, chronological phases, and/or cultural components of AZ T:12:1(ASM), and may be used to aid descriptions of the site.
  • The site consolidation was completed on November 20, 2020.
  • Contact ARO personnel with questions pertaining to this consolidation.


  • 11/13/20: a Table of Respectful Terminology for Discussion of Human Remains and Funerary Objects in Archaeological Compliance was added to the Repatriation Office page

Site Consolidation #1

  • The following ASM site numbers have been consolidated under AZ AA:12:311(ASM):
    • AZ AA:12:122(ASM), Bojorquez-Aguirre Ranch
    • AZ AA:12:305(ASM)
    • AZ AA:12:311(ASM), Yuma Wash Site
    • AZ AA:12:312(ASM)
  • The site name for AZ AA:12:311(ASM) is now the Yuma Wash/Bojorquez-Aguirre Ranch Site.  The other site names listed above may be treated as geographic loci, chronological phases, and/or cultural components of AZ AA:12:311(ASM), and may be used to aid descriptions of the site.
  • The site consolidation was completed on November 3, 2020.
  • Contact ARO personnel with questions pertaining to this consolidation.

Consolidation #2

  • The following ASM site numbers have been consolidated under AZ AA:12:314(ASM):
    • AZ AA:12:300(ASM)
    • AZ AA:12:313(ASM), the Meador-Cañas Homestead Site
    • AZ AA:12:314(ASM), the Silverbell-Ina Hohokam Site (also called the Ina-Silverbell Site)
    • AZ AA:12:315(ASM), the Silverbell-Ina Hohokam Site
    • AZ AA:12:316(ASM)
    • AZ AA:12:317(ASM)
    • AZ AA:12:379(ASM), Nourse House
    • AZ AA:12:380(ASM), Deserted House
    • AZ AA:12:821(ASM)
    • AZ AA:12:1039(ASM)
    • AZ AA:12:1040(ASM)
  • The site name for AZ AA:12:314(ASM) is now the Silverbell-Ina Site.  The other site names listed above may be treated as geographic loci, chronological phases, and/or cultural components of AZ AA:12:314(ASM), and may be used to aid descriptions of the site.
  • The site consolidation was completed on November 3, 2020.
  • Contact ARO personnel with questions pertaining to this consolidation.


  • 10/23/2020: Repatriation Office webpages updated.
  • 10/23/2020: Revised "Distinguishing Human from Non-Human Animal Bone" document posted.
  • 10/20/20: Complete FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) update posted to ASM website.

ARO Update:

  • The following site numbers have been consolidated under AZ AA:12:111(ASM):
    • AZ AA:12:38(ASM)
    • AZ AA:12:98(ASM), the Bechtel Burial Site
    • AZ AA:12:100(ASM), Bechtel 2
    • AZ AA:12:111(ASM), Las Capas
    • AZ AA:12:130(ASM), the Ina Road Landfill Site
    • AZ AA:12:376(ASM)
    • AZ AA:12:503(ASM), the Costello-King Site
    • AZ AA:12:688(ASM)
    • AZ AA:12:798(ASM), the Slip-up Site
    • AZ AA:12:1004(ASM)
    • AZ AA:12:1157(ASM)
  • The site name for AZ AA:12:111(ASM) is now the Las Capas/Costello-King Site Complex. The other site names listed above may be treated a geographic loci, chronological phases, and/or cultural components of AZ AA:12:111(ASM), and may be used to aid descriptions of the site.
  • The site consolidation was completed on October 6, 2020.
  • Contact ARO personnel with questions pertaining to this consolidation.

As of Monday, 20 July 2020, the ASM Archaeological Records Office has resumed scheduling of in-office records research and all ARO services are back to normal turnaround times. Please send an appointment request to the centralized email account (asm_crm@arizona.edu), entering ARO in the subject heading, or call (520) 621-4011 to make an appointment. Thanks for your support over the past week.


As of Friday, 10 July 2020, all Archaeological Records Office (ARO) staff are under self-quarantine due to possible COVID-19 exposure until Monday, 20 July 2020, and possibly until Monday, 27 July 2020.

ARO staff are prepared to do as much work as possible from home, but our services will be limited, and there may be delays.

ARO staff will be able to provide the following services:

  1. Accession numbers will be issued.
  2. Site number requests that are already in the queue will be completed.
  3. Records research requests that are already in the queue will be completed.
  4. Document Requests that are already in the queue will be completed.

The following cannot be conducted until after 27 July 2020:

  1. New records searches will not be initiated, either by researchers visiting the ARO or by having ARO conduct the research for you.
  2. New ASM site numbers requests cannot be initiated.
  3. Report reviews cannot be completed.

Please continue to contact ASM staff with any questions or concerns regarding ASM Jobs, quotes, or projects.

Please distribute to others in your organization. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this difficult time and we will keep you updated as more information becomes available.


  • Revised Rate and Fee Schedule posted on the ASM website.
  • Changes in the review procedure for all quote requests submitted to the ASM Request Quote for Services website, regardless of landownership, to ensure proper minimal budgeting when ASM is the designated curation facility:
    • One photo for every ASM site number that is requested or updated is required,
    • One linear inch of documentation is required for all Burial Discovery Agreements, and
    • One half box is required for all Testing/Data Recovery projects.

These estimated variables can be adjusted when submitting the Project Submission Update form, requesting Invoice 2 for a project.

  • ARO Update:
    • The following site numbers have been consolidated under AZ U:9:165(ASM):
      • AZ U:9:6(ASM), Hayden’s Ferry
      • AZ U:9:62(ASM), Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church (also called St. Mary’s Church)
      • AZ U:9:64(ASM), the Science Library Site
      • AZ U:9:80(ASM), the Phoenix and Eastern Railroad Bridge
      • AZ U:9:114(ASM), the Tempe Glyph Site (also called the Tempe Glyphs Site and the Tempe Butte Petroglyph Site; previously consolidated under AZ U:9:115(ASM))
      • AZ U:9:115(ASM), the Terraced Butte Site (also called Tempe Butte and Hayden Butte)
      • AZ U:9:188(ASM), Tempe Beach Park (also called the Tempe Beach Stadium)
      • AZ U:9:190(ASM), the Hayden Blacksmith Shop
      • AZ U:9:216(ASM), the Brickyard
      • AZ U:9:269(ASM), 1010 East Lemon Street
      • AZ U:9:278(ASM), the Hayden Flour Mill Complex
      • AZ U:9:281(ASM), the Barrett Honors College Site
      • AZ U:9:284(ASM), the ISTB IV Site
      • AZ U:9:296(ASM), the Ocotillo Hall Site
      • AZ U:9:309(ASM), the Tempe Townsite (also called the Tempe Historic Town Site)
    • The site name for AZ U:9:165(ASM) is now La Plaza/Historic Tempe (also called La Plaza Tempe, Plaza Tempe, Plaza de Tempe, Casa de Loma, the Elias-Rodriguez House, and the Stadium Site).  The other site names listed above may be treated as geographic loci, chronological phases, and/or cultural components of AZ U:9:165(ASM) and may be used to aid descriptions of the site.
    • The site consolidation was completed on March 16, 2020.
    • Contact ARO personnel with questions pertaining to this consolidation.
  • ASM Mandated Programs Mission Statement posted to the ASM website.


  • 3/24/2020: Complete FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) update posted to ASM website.
  • 3/27 to 4/13/2020: The following announcement was distributed to AAA permit holders and posted on the ASM website:

 As of Friday, 27 March 2020, all Arizona State Museum staff are under self-quarantine due to possible COVID-19 exposure until Monday, 13 April 2020. 

 Staff in the Permits Office, Archaeological Records Office, Repository, and Repatriation Office are prepared to do as much work as possible from home, but our services will be limited, and there may be delays.

 For clarification, here is what ASM will continue to provide during the closure:

  1.  Permits and burial agreements will continue to be issued. Treatment plans, permit applications, and burial agreement applications may be submitted via email until further notice. Please send all of these documents to my attention (twilling@arizona.edu). If your request includes a burial agreement application, please cc the Repatriation Office (asm-repatriation@arizona.edu).
  2. The Repatriation Office will continue to monitor disturbances of human remains, please report disturbances via email (asm-repatriation@arizona.edu).
  3. Project Director and Principal Investigator reviews will be conducted.
  4. Repository agreements will be issued.
  5. Permit updates requests will be completed.
  6. Notifications of intent may be submitted.
  7. Accession numbers will be issued.
  8. Quotes and invoices will be issued.
  9. Site number requests that are already in the queue will be completed.
  10. Records research requests that are already in the queue will be completed.
  11. Document Requests that are already in the queue will be completed.

The following cannot be conducted until after Monday, 13 April 2020:

  1. New records searches will not be initiated, either by researchers visiting the ARO or by having ARO conduct the research for you.
  2. No new ASM site numbers will be issued.
  3. ASM’s Library will be closed.
  4. No drop-offs to the Repository can be made.
  5. ASM will not be receiving mail.
  6. Report reviews cannot be completed.

Furthermore, all quote requests with expedites and document requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.  And the Repatriation Office’s centralized email is currently experiencing technical difficulties. Therefore, please cc Dr. Claire Barker on anything including a Burial Agreement Application (csbarker@arizona.edu). Please also send all notifications of human remains disturbances to Dr. Barker.

Please contact ASM staff with any questions or concerns regarding ASM Jobs, quotes, or projects.

Please distribute to others in your organization. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this difficult time and we will keep you updated as more information becomes available.

  • ASM MP Managers held a public feedback forum in Tucson on November 14, 2019.
  • The following form was removed from the ASM website: Request an ASM Site Number Addendum
  • The following announcement was distributed to AAA permit holders and posted on the ASM website:

Mandated Programs Holiday Season Scheduling Information

  • Mandated Program Offices will be closed 12/23/2019 thru 1/3/2020.
  • Expedited ASM services are generally unavailable between 12/9/2019 and 1/3/2020. Expedited service availability starts again on 1/6/2020.
  • Any ASM services for which the intent is to receive key deliverables by 12/20/2019 must be requested through the online quote site no later than close of business day (5pm) on 12/5/2019. See the Archaeological Records Office webpage for information regarding delivery of Records Research for Archaeologists and Document Requests in this period.
  • Quotes must be approved, invoices paid, and key forms received before 12/9/2019 to ensure processing happens before 12/20/2019.
  • Routine service schedules resume on 1/6/2020.

Please also note:

  • End of the year processing constraints and deadlines for burial agreements should be addressed directly to Claire Barker (csbarker@arizona.edu).
  • Continue to report the discovery of human remains or intent to disturb human remains to Claire Barker by email (csbarker@arizona.edu) or by phone at 520-626-0320.
  • Continue to report archaeological and paleontological discoveries to Shannon Twilling by email (twilling@arizona.edu) or by phone at 520-621-4795.